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National Smile Month 2018

At Shine Dental Care we are supporters of National Smile Month, an annual campaign which promotes good oral health. This year the campaign is running from 14th May to 14th June. We believe in providing our patients with the knowledge they need in order to maintain good oral health.

Here are some of our top tips:

  • Limit sugar intake to 3 times a day at meal times. Tooth decay occurs due to the frequency of sugar consumption, rather than the amount.
  • Be aware of ‘hidden sugars’. Even food and drink that appears to be the healthy option still contain sugar. Pure fruit juice for example contains natural sugars that can still damage teeth, therefore should be limited to meal times.
  • Brush twice a day using a fluoride toothpaste. Effective and regular plaque removal is vital in preventing tooth decay. This includes in between the teeth so aim to floss at least once a day.

Come and see us regularly, this way we can spot potential issues early and prevent them from developing and becoming problematic. Regular dental check-ups are essential for the maintenance of a healthy smile.

Many of you will now be aware of the new sugar tax that came into force last month – a surcharge put on sugary soft drinks depending on how much sugar they contain, with the aim of reducing childhood obesity and tooth decay.  It has been predicted that the new soft drinks levy could reduce tooth decay by around 270,000 cases every year.

The Oral Health Foundation, a charity dedicated to improving oral health and wellbeing around the world, now feels that a complete ban on the sale of energy drinks to under 16’s is the next step in helping to further reduce the amount of sugar consumed by children in the UK.

Dr Nigel Carter OBE, Chief Executive of the charity says: “Many energy drinks contain more than twice the daily allowance of sugar for a child. The potential damage caused to oral health alone is extreme and has contributed to thousands of children in the UK having rotten teeth removed in hospital every year.

The consumption of energy drinks and other sugar filled drinks have undoubtedly contributed to a children’s dental health crisis in Britain where a child has a rotten tooth pulled out in hospital every 10 minutes. This is appalling, as every single case of childhood tooth decay can be prevented.

A good brushing routine with a fluoride toothpaste and dental visits from an early age, along with a balanced diet, are all that is needed to provide children with a healthy smile.”

You can read the full article here:

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